When we talk about the Gospel industry, many people wonder if what they are seeing is real or just rumors. On this occasion, the news we get from various Australian media shows that this year is very different from the previous years in the Gospel industry in the world.
This time there is news that continues to spread around the world about the awards scheduled to take place in the month of February 18, 2023 in RSW Awards International Annual Ceremony and Luxury Gala Dinner which will take place in South Australia, Adelaide, organized by the international organization called Rise and Shine World Inc. based in Australia.
According to the organizer, the purpose of those awards is "to promote the gospel, advocacy, recognition, and promotion of gospel music in the world and to honor those who have done outstanding work at the international level in the gospel based on helping, promoting, and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ".
The Giant Africa [thegiantafrica.com] tried to find a representative of Rise and Shine World Inc. Bishop Justin Alain, to have something to tell them about the news that is being said.
Fortunately, they were able to talk to him even though it was not easy because of his many responsibilities.
He told this Media that the program exists to give these awards at the international level to people who have done excellent work in the field of music and in activities related to humanity and charity. As he told them based on the objectives of the Ministry of Rise and Shine World Inc.
They asked him how the idea of giving awards started and the purpose of those awards, and how Rise and Shine World Inc. as an international organization that will give these awards would have started its activities by answering us that;
"RISE AND SHINE WORLD Inc. is an international religious organization. It is made up of people from different countries where all the members are from different races, and different languages.
RISE AND SHINE WORLD Inc. is a combination of more than one ministry aiming at changing lives and transforming community. The registered office of the organization is located at ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA in the country of AUSTRALIA.
RISE AND SHINE WORLD Inc. was Founded by Bishop Justin Alain M. and his wife Mrs. Bishop Marlene Justin after they got a vision of it in 2012. In that vision, God showed him FIVE STARS IN ONE STAR and immediately produced 3 THINGS.
God has revealed to him that the five directions of earth, the five continents of the world, and the five directions that characterize man, if they will combine in one star (Jesus Christ) would come out: Peace and love, unity and reconciliation, revival, and salvation. All those 3 things will spread all over the world by the Holy Spirit.
RISE AND SHINE WORLD Inc. aims to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in all parts of the world, as well as to help people change their lives through acts of love and charity.
RISE AND SHINE WORLD works with other churches and organizations for the purpose of expanding the kingdom of God. This is the time when people wake up and shine because their light is coming. “Said Bishop Justin Alain
Bishop Justin Alain Founder and President of Rise and Shine World Inc.
RISE AND SHINE WORLD has a mission to preach the gospel and to teach the word of God to believers and non-believers so that they can become the body of Christ, through various activities.
It is in this context, Rise and Shine World Inc. has launched an international Gospel icon Awards called RSW AWARDS. it will take place in many parts of the world.
The RSW (Rise and Shine World) awards will showcase and honor People in different categories, for their work and efforts in spreading the message of Jesus Christ through Gospel music and other activities in the gospel industry that have excelled in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. We will also honor religious and community leaders, civil rights legends and more.
The purpose of those awards is to promote the gospel, advocacy, recognition, and promotion of gospel music in the world and to honor those who have done outstanding work at the international level in the gospel based on helping Peoples, Leadership, humanitarian, inspiring, promoting, and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.
When The Giant Africa asked him the winners of these awards who they are, and he said that those who have been selected at the world level after a long period of time, a committee of experts evaluates many nominations, and it has been confirmed that they will receive these awards called RSW Awards and that their list will be published in the next few days.
It is very rare that you will hear about international gospel awards that are organized to reward people who have done outstanding work in charity and humanitarian work.
News from Australia-based 9News reveals that it will be one of the top awards in the international gospel industry. Where they show that it is an action that will change the history of the gospel in general.
RSW AWARDS is a solution and pride for musicians and Gospel on the international stage. We will keep you posted on these awards.
The purpose of those awards is to promote the gospel, advocacy, recognition, and promotion of gospel music in the world
Src: The Giant Africa