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Uganda: Ev. Dana Morey Arrived in Pallisa and Launched "Miracle Gospel Celebration" Crusades-PHOTOS

Category: International News  »  5 days ago »  Jean d’Amour Habiyakare

Uganda: Ev. Dana Morey Arrived in Pallisa and Launched "Miracle Gospel Celebration" Crusades-PHOTOS

Dr. Dana Morey, an evangelist from the United States, Founder and President of A Light to the Nations (aLn) Ministry, was well welcomed in Uganda, in the Pallisa District, where he launched the Crusades that will continue in Kamuli District.

He arrived there on October 10, 2024, just one day before the start of these crusades named ’Miracle Gospel Celebration’, as they started on October 11-13 where it will take place in Pallisa District, where Dana Morey first arrived, and on the 18th - 20 will take place in Kamuli District, from 14:00 to 19:00.

Only these hours are for the main gatherings that will take place in the main playgrounds. When he arrived in Uganda, Pallisa, on the Facebook page of the A Light to the Nations they wrote:

“The arrival of Evangelist Dana Morey always shifts the tide of our Crusade Preparations!
Every city and nation has a redemptive plan in the heart of God! As A Light to the Nations, when do we pray and know God’s leading we go according to the door he has opened!

This week Pallisa, Uganda is going to have an encounter with the goodness of the Lord”
These are the teachings given on the first day of the crusades:

“The kingdom of God operates on faith! The principle is simple; if you want anything from God, you’ll see it when you believe it’. ‘The power in the word of God is immeasurable in its working but you must have the password of Faith’

‘God Never lies and is never the author of evil. The devil is the one who deceives our mind to blame God for the bad things that happen to us. We cannot receive from God when at the same time we blame Him for the bad things that happen to us”

“Today we had one of those most resisted Jesus and Jericho Marches! In the midst of a very heavy downpour, saints like an army with banners desperately calling on God for Pallisa and its inhabitants braved the rain undeterred!

Prayer is always warfare and our battle is not “against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”

Good news is that “No weapon formed against you shall prosper…” for “If God is for us, who can be against us?” This is why “in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us”. Romans 8: 31,37 Isaiah 54:17”

From 14:00 to 19:00, are for the main crusades that will be held in the main play grounds. From 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (in the morning), that is, on October 11-12, 2024 in Palisa District, as well as in Kamuli from October 18-19, 2024, there will be Bold Faith Conferences.

Among the main events that will start at 14:00 will be a raffle, where all participants will have a chance to win a TV, Goat, Motorcycle, Bicycle, Smartphone, Refrigerator and more.

Dana Morey, representative of A Light to the Nations (aLN), which organizes these crusades in different countries, said through the social media (Facebook) of this organization: "God willing, we don’t want to leave a single one without hearing the Good News.”

He recently held a large crusades in Uganda where Judith Orishaba from Uganda, Rose Muhando from Tanzania and Grace Ntambara from Rwanda were invited.

It was the largest crusade in Uganda that included servants of God from different countries. It was held in Bushenyi at Ishaka at Kizinda Market Ground on July 12-14, 2024, and continued at Rukungiri Stadium on July 18-21, 2024.

He was also recently in Rwanda in the Districts of Kirehe and Ngoma in Eastern Province, where he held small crusades and main crusades of Production and Revival. At that time people were given gifts, the sick were cured of various diseases, and more achieved from January to March 2024.

Ev. Dr. Dana Morey is an American evangelist who is the founder and Global Director of "A Light To The Nations." He and his brothers started a company called ’The Morey Corporation’, which is a contract company that manufactures electronic equipment located in Woodridge, Illinois, United States of America.

He is also an entrepreneur and founder of evangelical organizations including Christ for all Nations and Caring for Kids. He also started a program to feed children from poor families in Mexico. In 1986, he married Karman Morey, in 1989-1993 he became a Pastor in the ’A Light to the Nations Church’.

In 2001-2006, Dana Morey, together with Slavik Radchuk, started a program to care for homeless orphans. At that time there were 28 children in the orphanage they started.
In 2018, he received the Doctorate of Ministry from Lviv Theological Seminary.

Since 2015, Dana is the head of the company called ’The Morey Corporation’. He recently announced that he wants to buy land in Rwanda because he liked it so much. He is the Treasurer and Secretary of the Board of Directors of "One God - One Day - One Africa" which is united by God’s servants who are committed to bringing the good news to Africa under the slogan "Together we can reach Africa".

The first thing he sets his heart on is evangelism, because he says he has the burden of preaching Jesus to all the countries of the world, especially Africa. He has held crusades in many African countries, Latin America, Pakistan, India and Eastern Europe. And everywhere he leaves people feel sad because they always want him to stay because they always be happy for him.

Tanga igitekerezo kuri iyi nkuru


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