At the end of this week, a great concert called "Umuryango Mwiza Live Concert" organized by the Family of Singers Choir [FOS] is expected at the EPR Parish Church in Kiyovu.
This concert will be held in the City of Kigali, on Sunday October, 27, 2024 in Camp Kigali, and will be performed by the Family of Singers Choir, Israel Mbonyi, True Promises Ministry and Drups Band, according to the FOS administration.
It’s a concert Family of Singers is going to do with the support of partners including SKOL through its nonalcoholic Maltona brand. It will feature original Gospel music but will also award a more mature and well-coordinated couple, setting a good example for other families that will attend.
Family of Singers organized this "Umuryango Mwiza Live Concert", is a choir that started in 2009 and was started by 12 people starting from Muzehe Pawulo’s family. It currently has the honor of expanding as it now has a total of 84 singers.
Family of Singers Choir started working in EPR Parish of Kiyovu where they are located today. The president of the Family of Singers Choir, Eugenie Mujawamariya, explained that they conduct trainings aimed at building a family, sharing life, and looking at what causes a family to fall apart.
FOS Choir has held various concerts for the benefit of the Gospel and the community where the first concert was held at Serena Hotel, the second one was held at Romantic while the third will be held at Camp Kigali.
Tickets can be found at: Women Foundation, Bethesda Holy Church, Foursquare Gospel Church, Restoration Masoro, Zion Temple, The Choice Bakery & Coffee, Good News Enterprise, Omega Church, La Gardienne, EPR Kiyovu, EPR Kamuhoza;
EPR Kicukiro, EPR Karugira, EPR Kanombe, RAAH Super Market, Deluxe Super Market and La Mane Kicukiro. You can purchase tickets electronically through: while diaspora can purchase tickets through: Right now you can buy a ticket for only 5,000 Frw.
Family of Singers is going to hold a concert to coincide with their 15th anniversary
Israel Mbonyi is expected at the Family of Singers Choir concert
True Promises will be performing at the ’Umuryango Mwiza Live Concert’
Drups Band of the modern youth of these days is expected in this concert
Buy tickets in advance for the ’Umuryango Mwiza Live Concert’