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Nyagatare: Apostle Dr. Paul Gitwaza prayed a prayer that he would have prayed in 28 years ago

Category: International News  »  August 2023 »  KEFA Jacques

Nyagatare: Apostle Dr. Paul Gitwaza prayed a prayer that he would have prayed in 28 years ago

Apostle Dr. Paul Gitwaza, the senior pastor of the Zion Temple Celebration Center and the head of Authentic World Ministries, said that he is very grateful to God for stepping in Nyagatare again because he got the opportunity to pray there which he would have done in 1995 when he entered in Rwanda, he thanked God for giving Rwanda peace and security, under the good leadership led by His Excellency the President of the Republic, Paul Kagame.

Dr Paul Gitwaza God’s messenger said this on Friday, August 18, 2023 when he was preaching in a great crusade in Nyagatare during "Apostolic Visit". Many people attended the crusade. When he was standing in front of the mass audience attended the concert, he prayed a prophetic prayer and shared the testimony of a prayer he was commanded by God when he was entering in Rwanda in 1995, he passed through Gatuna boarder.

Apostle Dr. Paul Gitwaza in Nyagatare took the time to thank the leadership of Zion Temple in the Eastern Province and praised the Government and the Head of State. This pastor began by thanking God for enabling him to reach Nyagatare region where he said he had planned to come long time ago, but he was unable to but this was God’s time.

He said; "I thank the eastern Zion temple leadership for giving us a warm welcome to do a concert here. I also appreciate the government leadership, first I would like to thank the governor of this province, the administration of the Nyagatare region and the army and the police because they played an important role in making this concert peaceful, calm and safe, so we thank them very much for allowing us to do it. This concert unites so many people, may God bless them and continue to support them in everything".

The Messenger of God Dr. Paul Gitwaza prayed for the blessing of the country, the Government and the President of the Republic of Rwanda Paul Kagame and his family. Apostle Dr. Paul Gitwaza continued to say that he particularly appreciates God and our country Rwanda, the head of the country His Excellency the President of the Republic of Rwanda Paul Kagame, may God bless him and strengthen him and his family because he sacrifices a lot of the nights, looking up for the country to find peace and security.

He said: "If There is no peace, there is no concerts, if there is no security, there is no concerts. May God continue to enable him and bless him a lot."

Apostle Dr. Paul Gitwaza continued to thank those who work in different sectors of the country, whether they work in the justice system, parliamentarians, ministers, the army and the police, those in charge of various sectors. When you serve people well, you are serving God and that is how you should serve Him.

He said, "My friends, I encourage you to continue doing good because if you do something to someone, you are also doing good things to God, you are doing as God’s commandment tells you not to give up in doing good because you will reap because you won’t die of hunger. Continue to be good, take care of people because you will reap when the time comes and the nations will not be changed by words, But it is changed by actions because there are two things that make the country progress, which includes spirituality and doing physical works by hands".

Apostle Dr. Paul Gitwaza in this gathering prayed the prayer he would have prayed in 1995 when he entered Rwanda as he was asked by God and he did not do it because he was afraid of people:

Apostle Dr. Paul Gitwaza asked people to pray for this area of the east, we are going to pray to God for a special revival as I had intended to reach this place.

He said, "Even if I would’ve come here to Nyagatare and stayed only for one hour, I would have fulfilled the promise God told me, "When I came to this area in Rwanda, God asked me to kneel down and I was afraid, so I am going to pray and also I am kneeling down, you are standing because what God said is clear and will happen.

He said: "In 1995 God asked me to do a prophetic sign in this area but it failed but I came back so that what God said would happen, that day it did not happen because I did not listen to God, but God bring a second chance today because that is why God gave me a message to you that says "God brings you a Second Chance".

"In 1995 on the 1st of October, God asked me to kneel there at the board of Kagitumba so he can release a blessing and to show me a lot ofthings but I was shamed because there were too many people and God closed the sky for 40 days and asked me to come back and fulfill what I would have done long ago and Now I’m back to pray the prayer I should have prayed for 28 years ago".

He knelt down and prayed a prayer saying: "almighty God I come back to this land. 28 years ago I was attacked by the spirit of fear, the spirit of being afraid I didn’t fulfilled what I would’ve have done. am humbled in front of you so you would give a second chance and remember what you said, remember.

I pray that you may open the gate of blessings, remember your people and pour blessing on them, this country should have peace, your pride should in all over the county and bring back to us what satan have took from us, rise the province in essential way.”

Apostle Gitwaza thanked God for giving Rwanda peace and security

Tanga igitekerezo kuri iyi nkuru


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