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Kigali: MTN with Mobile Money Ltd partner with City of Kigali to Secure Motorcyclist Branding Rights

Category: International News  »  August 2023 »  Ruzindana Jackson

Kigali: MTN with Mobile Money Ltd partner with City of Kigali to Secure Motorcyclist Branding Rights

MTN Rwandacell PLC (MTN Rwanda) together with Mobile Money Rwanda Limited (Mobile Money Rwanda) are thrilled to introduce an exciting branding and partnership campaign exclusively tailored for motorcyclists.

This groundbreaking initiative, featuring the rebranding of motorcyclists with new MTN/MMRL branded jackets symbolizes the Company’s commitment to empowering riders, providing a seamless experience to customers, and contributing to the community’s financial progress.

The branding partnership will include a range of benefits that will be rolled out in stages. In the initial phases, motorcyclists will receive MoMoPay codes/QR codes, which will equip them to offer passengers hassle-free payment options, ultimately elevating the overall customer experience.

Furthermore, they will have the opportunity to become MTN agents, selling airtime and earning commissions which will provide them with a new income stream. In the subsequent phase of this partnership, motorcyclists will enjoy personalized rates for services like MoKash, Mobile Money Rwanda’s microfinancing service, as well as access to the Macye Macye service, MTN’s Device financing programme, among others.

Chantal Kagame, Mobile Money Rwanda Limited Chief Executive Officer emphasized, "We would like to extend our gratitude to City of Kigali for this partnership. The rebranding of Kigali motorcyclists with our distinct branded jackets signifies not just a shift in attire, but a transformative leap towards enriching urban mobility and embracing contemporary solutions.

By utilizing MoMoPay, motorcyclists not only support the country’s cashless agenda but also champion and advance digital payment solutions. With their help, Rwanda will see traditional cash payments in the mobility sector become a thing of the past.”

Each branded jacket will bear the motorist’s identity number, ensuring easy identification, and feature a dedicated USSD code for the seamless purchase of MTN "Irekure" bundles, further empowering commuters with convenient and affordable mobile services.

“Today marks a remarkable milestone in our journey towards a more connected and innovative urban landscape. This initiative not only reflects our commitment to innovation but also reinforces our dedication to extending convenience and adding value to the lives of our communities.

By equipping these riders with the tools to offer telecommunication services and convenient digital financial transactions, we’re fostering a dynamic ecosystem that bridges technology and everyday life.

Our goal is to empower motorists to improve their livelihoods as well as to enhance accessibility while creating new avenues for our valued customers to engage with our services effortlessly,” commented Mapula Bodibe, MTN Rwanda Chief Executive Officer.

MTN Rwandacell Plc (MTN Rwanda) is the market leader in mobile telecommunications in Rwanda. Since 1998, we have continuously invested in expanding and modernising our network and are the country’s No 1 network.

MTN Rwanda offers various services to subscribers, including innovative propositions such as personalised voice and data offers with MTN Irekure. The company is also the front runner in mobile financial services in Rwanda with Mobile Money, MoMoPay and MoKash Loans and Savings.

Mobile Money Rwanda Ltd is MTN Rwanda’s FinTech subsidiary, established on 27 April 2021 to provide and manage Mobile Money services in Rwanda. The company has about 4.5 milllion subscribers over 65,000 Mobile Money agents and over 230,000 MoMoPay merchants across the country.

The penetration of Mobile Money has seen a continuous rise with the enhancement of existing offerings such as MoMoPay, MoMo eTicketing as a digital user-friendly ticketing solution, Tap&Go payments for bus services, Bill Payments, International & regional Remittances, Bulk Payments, Electricity purchase, Payment of Government services, Bank Push & Pull, MoKash Loans & Savings, and more.

MTN Rwandacell PLC (MTN Rwanda) together with Mobile Money Rwanda Limited (Mobile Money Rwanda) are thrilled to introduce an exciting branding and partnership campaign exclusively tailored for motorcyclists.

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